Sunday, 25 December 2016

December 20 - December 23

The end of our 3rd semester exam was on December 19. On 20th we  returned back to the school. I had exam duty from 20th to 23rd. In the morning the exam was for 9th and 10th standard and in the afternoon the exam for 8th standard. It was a new experience as a training teacher.         On that day I felt happy and more proud.On 23rd December the school closed for x'mas vacation with x'mas celebration. The school will be open on 3rd January after that holidays.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

                             Fourth and Fifth Week Report

                                                       Now we adjust the school. We take so many ICT lessons in this week. The students are more interested to the ICT classes. We discussed the details about Minor game with Sulathambika teacher(physical education).It is a new experience for me.The week started with exams related programmes. Student's x-max  exams will be start on December 14. Teachers give some instructions to us. We seal the exam papers for helping Nandha Kumar sir. I corrected all the notes of my students. Teachers assistants class have observed and watched Sheeba Miss, Pramod Sir and Divya Miss. First classes observation in GHSS Navaikulam. They gave us excellent response and appreciation about our class. Also our school conducted a counseling programme for 10th students. 

                                INDIAN NAVY DAY

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